Mixed Media
These stills come from “Cornstarch,”
a three-minute video showing the dynamics of a cornstarch and water
mixture when shaken at 30 Hz. Filmed by Matthias Mobius and Eric
Corwin, physics doctoral students, and Terry Bigioni, a James Franck
Institute research assistant, “Cornstarch” won first
prize in the “Sights and Sounds of Science” contest,
sponsored by the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center.
The contest aimed to provoke dialogue between the arts and the sciences
using short films and audio recordings. Tied for first place in
the “Sights” category was “Environmental Plastic
Film: A New Form of Urban Flora,” by English doctoral student
Oliver Gaycken. In the “Sounds” category Elliot Brennan,
AB’03, won for his sequenced and synthesized recordings of
voice, water drops, and crumpling paper.—J.N.L.

Image Credit:
Matthias Mobius, Eric Corwin, and Terry Bigioni