The University of Chicago Magazine June 1996
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Harry N. D. Fisher, AB'50, JD'53, a retired lawyer, was featured in an October article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that discussed his 29 years of Bible study. Fisher has written a booklet presenting his conclusion-that Acts and the Gospel of Luke form a legal brief intended for Emperor Nero's high court. Howard L. Myerson, X'50, chairs the Association of Average Adjusters of the United States, a professional society whose members practice the maritime law of general average. Miriam Wagenschein, AM'50, a professor of sociology at Corpus Christi State University in Texas, teaches one course and is interim director of the Women's Center for Education and Service.51
Georg G. Iggers, AM'45, PhD'51, distinguished professor of European intellectual history at SUNY-Buffalo, has published extensively on modern European historiography, including The German Conception of History: The National Tradition of Historical Thought from Herder to the Present. He's currently Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Preisträger at the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte in Göttingen. Jiri T. Kolaja, AM'51, has doctoral degrees from Cornell and Masaryk univerisities. Burton M. Leiser, AB'51, is a distinguished philosophy professor and an adjunct law professor at Pace University. He has published books and articles in both fields, most recently on academic freedom and tenure and on paternity suits. His book Liberty, Justice, and Morals (Macmillan), is in its third edition. "Every now and then I think of retiring," Leiser writes, "but then, realizing that people retire to get away from the onerous duties they have had during their working years in order to do as they please-while as an academic I have done what I pleased and been paid to do it-I conclude that I have always been retired, so there's no reason to formalize it."52
Leah Feigenbaum Friedman, AB'52, studies psychological aspects of aging as a senior research associate at Stanford. Four years ago, Wilma Abeles Iggers, AM'43, PhD'52, retired after 26 years of teaching at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY. In 1986, her book Die Juden in Böhmen und Mähren was published in Munich; translated into English, it appeared in 1993 as The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Wayne State Univeristy Press). Around the same time, her edition of the early-19th-century picaresque novel Der Jüdische Gil Blas, by Joseph Sleigmann Kohn, was published (Scaneg Verlag). Last year, Berghahn Books published her Women of Prague. She and her husband, Georg G. Iggers, AM'45, PhD'51, have been spending half of every year in Goettingen. Frank R. Tangherlini, SM'52, see 1990, Daniel M. K. Tangherlini.53
Arthur S. Elstein, AB'53, AM'56, PhD'60, is editor-in-chief of Medical Decision Making, the journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making. Sheldon A. Patinkin, AB'53, AM'56, is in his 16th year as chair of the theater/music department at Columbia College in Chicago. This past season, he directed an adaptation of Ben Hecht's Child of the Century, Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, and Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape. Patinkin is still artistic consultant to The Second City. David M. Solzman, AB'53, PhD'66, received his fifth Silver Circle award for excellence in teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago.54
Annice Mills Alt, AM'54, retired as director of child-care resources and referral at the Day Care Council of New York. Robert H. Freilich, AB'54, writes that Freilich, Leitner & Carlisle, his law and planning firm, is now in Kansas City, MO; Dallas; and L.A. Freilich also chairs the planning and law division of the American Planning Association and continues to edit The Urban Lawyer, the American Bar Association's journal on state and local government law. In the past year, he published three books: Cases and Materials on Land Use; Model Subdivision Regulations: Planning and Law; and Exactions, Impact Fees, and Dedications.55
Robert A. Heavilin, AB'55, has 10 grandchildren and volunteers for the American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health network. A professor of psychology at Capital Community Technical College, he has a private psychology practice in Coventry and West Hartford, CT. Jane W. Stedman, PhD'55, recently published W. S. Gilbert: A Classic Victorian and His Theatre (Oxford University Press).56
Paul Glatzer, AB'56, AB'57, AM'58, taught high school in Northbrook, IL, for six years and is now in his 31st year at Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, NY. He was chosen 1996 teacher of the year by the district and was one of five finalists in the state competition. The Hofstra University chapter of Phi Delta Kappa also chose him as 1995's Long Island teacher of the year. Glatzer teaches world history, anthropology, and African-American studies.57
Robert E. Boyar, MBA'57, retired from Argonne National Laboratory as a nuclear engineer in September. He did research and development work on the world's first power-producing nuclear reactors. William H. Maehl, Jr., PhD'57, is principal investigator with the "For a Nation of Lifelong Learners" project, funded by the Kellogg Foundation. Diane Oenning Thompson, AB'57, AB'61, AM'69, writes that her book "The Brothers Karamazov" and the Poetics of Memory (Cambridge University Press) was published in 1991.58
Diana Standahl Eagon, AB'58, JD'60, was appointed a district court judge by the governor of Minnesota in September.59
Robert A. Groh, MBA'59, is busy with the opening of a new 82-bed nursing facility on the northeast side of Toledo, OH. Judy Reader Mueller, BFA'59, reports that the autumn 1995 issue of Security Studies contained both an article on stability in Eastern Europe by son Karl P. Mueller, AB'85, and an article on the Persian Gulf War by husband John E. Mueller, AB'60.