The University of Chicago Magazine June 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
George K. Hersh, AB'80, MBA'82, see 1991, Liza M. Perkins. Erica E. Peresman, AB'80, see 1978, David B. Jaffe. Donald M. Seekins, AM'72, PhD'80, is a professor of Southeast Asian studies at Meio University in Nago, Okinawa, Japan. He specializes in the politics and society of Burma (Myanmar), especially developments since the political crisis of 1988. Susan Smith Warzecka, MBA'80, is vice president of corporate human resources for McDonald's Corporation.81
Blair E. Archambeau, AB'81, MBA'90, see 1993, Marc F. Archambeau. Alan A. Binette, MD'81, see 1985, Jeanne Chapman Reimonn. Jeanne C. Koepsell, AB'81, lives in Angola, where relief work consumes her time except for occasional drives "out of town, past the minefields, to watch the most spectacular sunsets on the planet." Doug-las E. Markham, JD'81, recently sued the state of Texas for racially gerrymandering its state senate and house districts, and reached an out-of-court settlement. He is also working on cases in Louisiana, Virginia, and Illinois. Linda K. Rader, MBA'81, earned a 1995 Circle of Excellence award from American Cyanamid for outstanding sales achievement and teamwork. Elizabeth Vila Rogan, AB'81, announces the October 22 birth of her first child, Carolyn MacKenzie. She is taking an extended leave from her criminal-defense practice in Atlanta.82
John H. Burke, AB'82, MD'86, and Vicky A. Sroczynski, AB'84, AM'91, announce the December 8 birth of their first child, Louren Nicole. Burke is a cardiac electrophysiologist at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL. Sara Dickinson, AB'82, completed an M.A. in Rusian literature at Indiana University in 1987, and finished her Ph.D. at Harvard in 1995. Since September, Dickinson has been an assistant professor in Ohio State University's department of Slavic and East European languages and literatures, specializing in Russian literature. David D. Guilmette, AB'82, heads the Parsippany, NJ, office of Towers Perrin, a management-consulting firm. Patrick G. Jobe, SM'78, PhD'82, see 1976, Andrea L. Wayda. Patrick J. Larkin, AB'82, see 1983, Mennette Masser Larkin. Seth L. Lipscher, AB'82, operates WorldWide Markets, a computer service firm specializing in corporate Web-page creation and support. He would love to hear from alumni at or 914/476-0627. Allan L. McCutcheon, AM'77, PhD'82, has been named the Donald O. Clifton professor of sociology and director of the Gallup Research Center at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He will also direct UNL's graduate program on survey research and quantitative analysis and serve as a senior scientist in the Gallup Organization. The new position starts in August; since 1982 he has taught at the University of Delaware. Currently he is a visiting research professor and a Fulbright research fellow at the Work and Organization Research Centre of Tilburg University in the Netherlands.83
L. Andrew Cooper, AB'83, is an associate in the Denver office of Baker & Hostetler, Counsellors at Law. Mennette Masser Larkin, AM'83, and Patrick J. Larkin, AB'82, met at a San Francisco alumni event in July 1994 and were married in August 1995. Bridesmaids were Elise I. Junn, AM'85; Amy L. Van Doren, X'85; and Chinhui Juhn, PhD'91, while Jeffrey D. Pluhar, X'84, was a groomsman. Five other U of C alumni attended. After honeymooning in France and Italy, they moved to the Berkeley hills. Pat cowrites thrillers, including the recently published The Enemy Within. Mennette, "inspired by Pat's success," began a writing project of her own. D. Zaccai Lewis, AB'83, and wife Tamar announce the November 14 birth of daughter Nina Rose. John F. Temmerman, MBA'83, released his debut recording, Jazz Obsession Music, by the John Temmerman Trio, available only on tape from him. During the day, Temmerman is the internal auditor for Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Kathleen A. Wellman, AM'74, PhD'83, an associate professor of history at Southern Methodist University, received a research fellowship from the National Endowment for the Humanities to write a book about the scientific revolution in France.84
Steven D. Barnhart, AB'84, MBA'88, and wife Meg announce the October 3 birth of their second son, Douglas Murrow, who joins Philip. They live in Dunwoody, GA, and would love to see any friends coming to town for the Olympics. Bess E. Brackett, AB'84, is in her third year practicing orthopaedics in Oak Park, IL. She and husband James, who just finished an infectious-disease fellowship at the U of C, have an 18-month-old daughter, Bonnie Jean. Marguerite Moore Callaway, MBA'84, runs her own health-care consulting firm. Bonnie E. Campbell, AB'84, and Claudio A. Lilienfeld, AB'84, AM'87, write, "We're having a lot of fun with our new baby-Aidan, born April 1995. (Nothing at U of C prepared us for this!)" Campbell is on leave from her job as a museum specialist at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History to care for Aidan. Lilienfeld "tears himself away from the baby" to work as a senior policy analyst for the Pentagon's office of humanitarian and refugee assistance. William J. Clark, AB'84, see 1985, Jeanne Chapman Reimonn. George J. Nikopoulos, AB'84, has left his Beverly Hills, CA, psychiatry practice and moved to Utah, accompanied by wife Millie and daughter Xanthea. He's now medical director for the psychiatric unit of Latter Day Saints Hospital and teaches psychotherapy at the University of Utah. James J. Richerson, MFA'84, worked for eight years at the Oriental Institute developing exhibits at Chicago and abroad. In 1991 he received a Fulbright lectureship at the National Museum of Carthage, where he helped Tunisian colleagues develop that museum. He now oversees planning and design at the National Museum of Archaeology in Malta. Jon I. Roberts, AB'84, is an assistant professor of English at St. Thomas Aquinas College in Sparkill, NY. He writes, "I was a chemistry major at U of C, but the late John Wallace's courses in Milton and 17th-century literature changed all that. To this day I cannot read Milton's "Lycidas" without hearing his voice-he was a brilliant teacher." Vicky A. Sroczynski, AB'84, AM'91, see 1982, John H. Burke.
Jeff E. Balkan, MBA'85, is a consulting manager in the manufacturing and distribution group of Checkers, Simon & Rosner, a Chicago accounting and business-advice firm. Elizabeth A. Fama, AB'85, MBA'91, passed her dissertation proposal and hopes to graduate in June. Children Sally (7), Eric (4), and Gene (2), are "great." Her E-mail address is Diana H. Foukal, AB'85, earned her Ph.D. in biology from Columbia University in May. Mindy Greenstein, AB'85, received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 1994 and is working in forensic psychology in New York City. Karl P. Mueller, AB'85, see 1959, Judy Reader Mueller. Robert M. Nesselroth, AB'85, left law to become a teacher. He hopes to be teaching high-school history this fall after obtaining his certification. Kevin J. O'Leary, AB'85, is an associate with the Boston law firm Peabody & Arnold, specializing in civil litigation, premises liability, personal-injury law, railroad law, insurance defense, and immigration law. Mary McKenna Peterson, MBA'85, is decision-support initiative manager in the solutions marketing department of Tandem Computers in Cupertino, CA. Jeanne Chapman Reimonn, AB'85, and George Reimonn, AB'86, announce the November 17 birth of their second child, Patrick Vincent. They write, "We were pleasantly surprised to discover on the day Jeanne went into labor that our obstetrician, Alan A. Binette, MD'81, is also a U of C alum." In August 1995 the Reimonns vacationed along the Oregon coast with William J. Clark, AB'84; his wife, Joan; and their son, Arthur. Andrew Satinsky, AB'85, MD'89, and wife Marla announce the November 30 birth of son Evan, who is "looking forward to becoming a member of the class of 2017." All three enjoy living in Milwaukee. As senior counsel at the Walt Disney Company, Jay M. Vogel, AB'85, is responsible for real-estate legal services for The Disney Store.86
Michelle Kosche Anfang, AB'86, MD'91, married Stuart Anfang, a doctor, on November 18 in Boston. Four U of C alumni at-tended. After finishing her psychiatry residency in 1995, Michelle became assistant director of the residency-training program at McLean Hospital. She, her husband, and her cat live in Newton, MA. Matthew F. Keblis, AB'86, married Hilary E. Forbes in Bond Chapel in April 1990. Their son, John, was born in March 1995. Keblis is a senior principal information-technology specialist at Air Products and Chemicals in Allentown, PA. In December, he received his Ph.D. in industrial and operations engineering from the University of Michigan. Thomas W. Kivlahan, JD'86, is now an owner of the Arlington Heights, IL, law firm Drost & Kivlahan, formerly George T. Drost and Associates. Virginia A. Maycock, MBA'86, and her husband, Stuart, announce the December 7, 1994, birth of their first child, Steven Johnston. Maycock is group brand manager for seasoning mixes at McCormick & Co. in Hunt Valley, MD. The family lives in Bethesda, MD. Donald K. S. Petersen, AB'86, writes that his law firm, Petersen & Lefkofsky, celebrated its two-year anniversary in January. He was named 1995 optimist of the year by the Auburn Hills (MI) Optimist Club. George Reimonn, AB'86, see 1985, Jeanne Chapman Reimonn. Benjamin R. Swett, MBA'86, "started working again." Gretchen M. Wright, AB'86, and Matthew W. Ledger, AB'86, announce the November 8 birth of son Joseph.
James E. Bayles, Jr., AB'87, MBA'88, joined the Chicago office of Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz as an associate in the litigation practice. Mary Jurkash Berick, AB'87, and Daniel G. Berick, JD'87, of Shaker Heights, OH, announce the August 29 birth of son Steven, who joins older brother James. Faye-Marie Morgan Brownfield, AB'87, and H. Andrew Brownfield III, AB'88, MBA'89, announce the December 20 birth of Harold Andrew Brownfield IV. Faye has "decided to leave the glamorous lifestyle of a New York attorney behind to stay home to raise 'Little Four.'" Gretchen W. Carlson, AB'87, finished her master's degree in English at the University of Washington and is working on her M.D. at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Molly A. McClain, AB'87, moved from Connecticut to California to join the history faculty at the University of San Diego. In October, she had lunch in La Jolla, CA, with Ted H. Miller, AB'88, and Elise A. Ralph, AB'88. Miller is finishing his doctorate in political theory at the University of California, San Diego, and Ralph has a postdoctoral fellowship at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Judith A. Swanson, PhD'87, was promoted on January 1 to associate professor with tenure in Boston University's political-science department.88
H. Andrew Brownfield III, AB'88, MBA'89, see 1987, Faye-Marie Morgan Brownfield. Nino Campobasso, SB'88, is a postdoctoral biochemistry student at Cornell. Mark E. Cawi, AB'88, and wife Melissa announce the October 10 birth of daughter Grace Marie. In November, they moved to Zionsville, IN. Cawi is president of BizIntel Software Consulting. William M. Flevares, AB'88, writes, "I ran the 1995 Chicago Marathon, and my finishing time was 3:55:42. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life." Daniel B. Frank, AM'86, PhD'88, gave the introductory and closing remarks at a December conference on psychodynamic approaches to education at the Francis Parker School in Chicago. Ten other educators affiliated with the U of C as alumni and teachers also participated. Amelia L. Gallitano-Mendel, AB'88, married Mark Mendel of Philadelphia on May 27, 1995. She is in her seventh year of the M.D./Ph.D. program at the University of Pennsylvania and hopes to finish in 1997. Mark J. Hupert, AB'88, will complete his residency program at University Hospital of Cleveland in July and pursue a fellowship in infectious diseases at the Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania. Ted H. Miller, AB'88, see 1987, Molly A. McClain. Lisa A. Ragone, AB'88, has been in the Coast Guard for more than four years. Recently promoted to lieutenant, she is executive officer of Bainbridge Island, a 110-foot cutter out of Sandy Hook, NJ. She'd like to hear from classmates. Elise A. Ralph, AB'88, see 1987, Molly A. McClain. H. Edmund ("Ned") Snell, AB'88, received his Ph.D. in atmospheric science from the University of Michigan. He lives in Boston with his wife, a postdoctoral student at MIT, and works at Atmospheric and Environmental Research, a company in Cambridge. Beth Greenbarg Tipton, AB'88, is working as a psychologist in the Kane County Diagnostic Center in Batavia, IL. The center does forensic work for Kane County, including court-related psychological assessment and treatment.
Eugene W. Anderson, PhD'89, is an associate professor at the University of Michigan Business School. He and wife Sheryl, an attorney, have two children, Ian Axel, 5, and Hanna Sofia, nearly 2. Rochelle F. Cohen, AB'89, and John P. Lodder, AB'89, were married on March 25, 1995, in Ida Noyes Hall. The bride's father is Benjamin H. Cohen, AB'60. The wedding party included Daniel E. Biemer, AB'87; Ruth J. C. Carlos, AB'89, MD'93; and Peter M. Rivard, AB'89, AM'90. In December, the couple returned to Hyde Park after a six-month stay in London, where John was working as a system administrator in his company's London office. Sidney J. Colton, AB'89, writes that his photos are available via the Internet at his FTP site, "Pictures include many photos of the U of C campus and campus life!" he adds. His E-mail address is Maureen Lynch Cormack, AM'89, joined the Foreign Service in June 1989 and has served in Seoul and Kwangju, South Korea, and Warsaw, Poland. In January she began a tour of duty at the U.S. Information Agency in Washington, DC. She and husband Bill have three children: Elizabeth, 4; Margaret, 3; and William, 1. Jacqueline E. Edelberg, AB'89, AM'91, and Andrew M. Slobodien, AM'90, were married October 23, 1994. She is a Mellon fellow at the U of C, and just finished her dissertation on Alexis de Tocqueville's understanding of the American judiciary in political science. He practices corporate litigation and labor law at the Chicago firm D'ancona & Pflaum. Eric S. Fortune, AB'89, PhD'95, received his Ph.D. in neurobiology from the organismal biology and anatomy department. He now has a postdoctoral fellowship in Salt Lake City "to study fish brains." Denis Y. Lin, AB'89, married Rebecca Li in Boston on September 4, 1994. Five U of C alumni attended. Sam D. Miller, AB'89, married Erin O'Leary on August 19, 1995. He is a policy analyst for the Manhattan borough president and lives in Brooklyn. Terrence E. Rudd, Jr., AB'89, married Jennifer Iba in May 1995 in Washington, DC. Nine U of C alumni attended. Christopher P. Swain, MBA'89, has been promoted to investment officer in the treasurers department of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance in Milwaukee. Frank P. Thometz, MBA'89, is senior brand manager for M&Ms at M&M/Mars in Hackettstown, NJ. He had been manager of 3 Musketeers and Mars. Shoshana E. Waskow, AB'89, and her husband, Michael, are enjoying their return to Chicago. She is in a pediatrics residency program at Children's Memorial Hospital and Michael is an emergency-medicine resident in the Northwestern University system. They encourage visitors to get in touch. Roxanne A. Yamashita, AB'89, just completed the Ph.D. program at the University of Hawaii's genetics and mo-lecular biology department. She began a postdoctoral post at Baylor College of Medicine in January.