The University of Chicago Magazine June 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Class News Highlights
"I am now one of the oldest living fossils in city and regional planning."
--Frederick H. Bair, Jr., AB'35
"This year I became a certified scuba diver and enjoyed the underwater world near Tahiti and Dominica."
--Charlotte Beer Weber, AB'48
"Still an avid White Sox fan, I participate in baseball fantasy camps when possible and play in an over-35 baseball league."
--John E. Patterson III, AB'72
"I ran the 1995 Chicago Marathon….It was one of the greatest experiences of my life."
--William M. Flevares, AB'88
"I have become Emperor of Antarctica, where I am loved and feared by thousands of penguins."
--Mark E. McArdle, AB'91
Within Class News:
Arthur N. Turnbull, PhB'26, a Chicago community activist, is retired from teaching at Dunbar Vocational High School.Elise Rosenwald Schweich, PhB'30, writes that her husband of 63 years died in October and that after 60 years in the same house she has moved to the Gatesworth. She has four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, "spread from Paris to San Francisco." Schweich adds, "At 87, I'm planning a trip to Ireland and France with my son and daughter-in-law!"31
Eleanor Durbin Murdoch Nebel, SB'31, MAT'33, "enthusiastically" recommends Elderhostel programs hosted by International House. "It is inspiring to be a student again," she writes, "and walk the streets of Gothic architecture."33
Jean Stillman Duffield, SB'33, reports that her first grandson graduated from Harvard in 1995, and her second from Oxford in 1994. Among her granddaughters, the first graduated from Cambridge in 1995; her second is attending London University; and her third and youngest spent a year teaching English in Cuba. In December, Sidney Weinhouse, SB'33, PhD'36, was honored at events held by Fels Cancer Center at Temple University and Jefferson Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson College of Medicine.34
In September, Jeannette Geisman Coral, PhB'34, took a 10-day trip to Oregon-"a great getaway." Rosemary Volk Howland, PhB'34, still lives in a 160-year-old house in Norwalk, CT, and plays an active role in the lives of others, including the two of her grandchildren who live nearby.35
Frederick H. Bair, Jr., AB'35, "retired in 1980 as president of Bair, Abernathy and Associates and is now one of the oldest living fossils in the field of city and regional planning." Soon after retiring, he founded the Society of Workers in Early Arts and Trades (SWEAT), "an unprofitable disorganization devoted to the preservation of our cultural craft heritage." Franklin D. Carr, SB'35, is president of the residents' association at Presbyterian Village East in suburban Detroit. He celebrated his 83rd birthday in December. Edward D. Friedman, AB'35, JD'37, left Washington, DC, for Cape Cod in the summer and Green Valley, AZ, during the rest of the year. Clarissa Paltzer Mancill, X'35, and her husband spent two weeks in Guyana last July while her husband taught and discussed the Bible. They've taken similar trips to Grand Cayman, Malawi, and Eleuthera, and hope to get to Germany this year. Mancill, whose hobby is oil painting, has four children, 12 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.37
Woodrow W. Eddins, MD'37, retired to Monroeville, AL, several years ago after more than 50 years in family practice and surgery. He enjoys the outdoors, growing timber, and farm management, but misses the big city. Joseph W. Stephenson, X'37, a retired teacher, spent his first year after leaving Chicago working in the California gold mines. He then moved to Berkeley, followed by San Jose, where he enrolled in San Jose State University and earned his B.A. and M.A. in education. Stephenson was in the Army for five years during WWII. While in England, he joined the Royal Horticultural Society and wrote The Gardener's Directory (Hanover House), published in 1960.38
Elizabeth Engelman Abler, AB'38, reports that her book, Secrets of the Miniature Rose, is in its second printing. Edgar M. Branch, AM'38, was one of two winners of the first Modern Language Association prize for a distinguished scholarly edition. Branch, a professor at Miami University of Ohio, and his coeditor won for Roughing It, volume two of The Works of Mark Twain (University of California Press). Edward T. Myers, SB'38, spoke on "The Magic of the Phonograph" to the Livingston County Historical Society while in Pontiac, IL, last summer. His wife, Laura, assisted. Otto E. Rauchschwalbe, AB'38, retired from the U.S. Department of the Interior 25 years ago and since then has been involved in the Chicago commodity market, motel construction and operation, and Atlantic ocean-front recreation.39
David S. Logan, AB'39, JD'41, a Chicago arts advocate, philanthropist, and organizer, received one of the 1995 Illinois governor's awards for the arts.