The University of Chicago Magazine June 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the April/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Carolyn Spinks Erickson, AB'70, continues to give weekly physical-science demonstrations at West Branch School in Williamsport, PA. Stephen M. Goodman, AB'70, is expanding the technology practice of his law firm, Pryor, Cashman, Sherman & Flynn. In addition to his activities in the New York New Media Association and the science and technology sector of the American Bar Association, Goodman helps clients to develop and protect interactive multimedia products and on-line services. His E-mail address is He has also made his film debut with a line in the upcoming feature The Cottonwood. Judith A. Gray, AM'70, head of reference for the Folklife Reading Room in the Library of Congress, was elected secretary of the Society for Ethnomusicology. John D. Pielemeier, AM'70, retired after 25 years with the Agency for International Development. He served in Brazil (twice), Botswana, Liberia, and in several Washington, DC, posts, including director for South Asia. Pielemeier is now a senior fellow at the World Wildlife Fund and a consultant on international development. He lives in Washington, DC, with his wife, Nancy; son Jason, 17; and daughter Kate, 13. Sandra Benton Solomon, AB'70, AM'71, won the 1995 Agnes Lynch Starrett poetry prize from the University of Pittsburgh Press for her book Pears, Lake, Sun. She lives in Princeton, NJ, and works as an independent writer and editor, specializing in the voluntary sector. Most recently she edited a series of studies on the voluntary sector in Russia and Eastern Europe, and studies profiling Russian charities for homelessness, AIDS, and children. 71
Arlene Boshes Hirschfelder, MAT'71, recently published Native Heritage: Personal Accounts by American Indians, 1790 to the Present (Macmillan). Maga Jackson-Triche, AB'71, MD'75, see 1975, Maga Jackson-Triche. Ronald N. McAdow, AB'71, edits a Web site called "Ron McAdow Weekly: The Outdoors, Humor, and the Art of Being a Person" at URL Henry J. Prevot, MBA'71, is vice president and COO of Le Sueur Inc., which manufactures aluminum castings and molds thermoplastic parts. He has been with the firm since 1987. Deborah Lew Seidel, JD'71, was given honorary membership in Camp Fire Boys and Girls for her service to children, including five years as a member of Camp Fire's board of directors. Gill Winograd, AB'71, MBA'71, invites visitors to his Web site at URL
Kyle Cohen Fuchs, AB'72, and Charles E. Fuchs, AB'73, have two children, Laura, 10, and Michael, 8. Kyle, a pulmonologist, is active in clinical practice at Kaiser Permanente in Portland, OR. She is helping to develop clinical protocols to improve quality and shorten length of stays for people requiring long-term use of a mechanical ventilator. On days off, she tutors in the public elementary schools and enters books into the school-library computer. Charles, a pediatrician, heads Clark County's immunization program and is one of two parents on the elementary school's governing council. He also tutors in his spare time. Peter A. Just, AB'72, an associate professor of anthropology, chairs the anthropology & sociology department at Williams College. Stephen H. Lebowitz, MD'72, is staff cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente in L.A. and a clinical assistant professor of medicine at UCLA. Wife Elisse is a clinical psychologist and their daughter, Rachel Claire, is 4. Lebowitz completed the 1995 New York Marathon, his 26th full marathon. John E. Patterson III, AB'72, has returned to full-time private practice on Chicago's South Side after spending the 1994-95 academic year as interim program director of the ob/gyn department at Mercy Hospital in Chicago. He writes, "Still an avid White Sox fan, I participate in baseball fantasy camps when possible and play in an over-35 baseball league."<$t-4> Jack Tucker, PhD'72, a member of the Professional Bowling Association, was elected to the Bowling Hall of Fame in 1995. Also in 1995, he won the Ypsilanti Invitational and the Wheeling Open Bowler's Competition. In 1994, he was named Professional Bowling magazine's man of the year after winning both the Sandusky Invitational and the PBA Open for the third time. He retired from academic history in 1973 but maintains his interest and is writing a book titled A Social and Economic History of Bowling from the Druids to the Age of Don Weber. Carol Garstki Westbrook, AB'72, PhD'77, MD'78, is an associate professor in the departments of medicine and genetics at the University of Illinois at Chicago after ten years on the U of C faculty. She also directs UIC's hematology-oncology fellowship program and manages a cancer research lab. "I have been happily divorced now for about five years," she writes, "but I'm now engaged again, and look forward to moving out of Hyde Park, accompanied by my three children, Eddy, 16; Gene, 13; and Cecilia, 11." She'd like to hear from classmates and friends.
Thomas A. Bass, AB'73, a contributing writer at Wired magazine and author of four books, describes his latest book, Vietnamerica: The War Comes Home (see "Books by Alumni"), as "a return to the kind of rabble-rousing I used to do in college." Charles E. Fuchs, AB'73, see 1972, Kyle Cohen Fuchs. Carolyn J. Hayek, JD'73, a retired judge, performs weddings in Washington state. Her home page URL is Robert P. Medow, AM'73, see 1990, Michael I. Oberlander. Steven M. Rosen, JD'73, is assistant director of continuing legal education at the Washington State Bar Association.74
R. John Brockmann, AM'74, recently completed a book, From Millwrights to Shipwrights to the 21st Century, a historical view of technical communication in the U.S. from the mid-19th century to the computer age. Brockmann, an associate professor of English at the University of Delaware, teaches business and technical writing. Richard R. Erickson, SM'70, PhD'74, an associate professor of astronomy and physics at Lycoming College, won the school's 1995 senior faculty teaching award and the 1995 exemplary teacher award of the board of education of the United Methodist Church. Calvin E. Hayes, AB'74, has been a data-processing consultant for Keane, Inc., since 1992. He married Dolores Derica Webster in July 1995. Paul S. Kruty, AB'74, is an associate professor of architecture at the University of Illinois and teaches modern and American architectural history. Kathleen Condon Vance, AM'74, is senior manager of equal employment opportunity for Union Pacific Railroad.75
James G. Carson, MAT'75, coauthored the book Documentation Planning for the U.S. Health Care System (Johns Hopkins), which won the 1995 Waldo Gifford Leland prize of the Society of American Archivists. Maga Jackson-Triche, AB'71, MD'75, is the chief of the psychiatry consultation and liaison service for the UCLA/San Fernando Valley Hospital psychiatric residency program. She is married and has two sons. Horace L. Nash, AB'75, see 1976, Horace L. Nash.76
Edwin C. Byford, AM'76, is rector of the parish of Broken Hill in the far west of New South Wales in Austrialia, and also archdeacon of the Darling. He was chaplain at the Australian National University until 1991, and from 1991 to October 1995 was rector of the parish of Binda in southern New South Wales. Michael L. Dvorkin, AB'76, lives in Baltimore with Lisa, his wife of 12 years, and their two daughters, Hollis and Morgan. Dvorkin is chief of the department of orthopaedics at Franklin Square Hospital Center and vice president of the medical department. "I am still athletically inept but cerebral," he writes. Thomas J. English, MBA'76, is a partner and national director of information technology for Grant Thornton, an accounting and management-consulting firm. Donald J. Gecewicz, AB'76, spent part of October and November at a writers' retreat program at the Chateau de Lesvault in Burgundy, France, working on translations from the Italian and on some of his own manuscripts. He reports that "the countryside is beautiful and the nearby market town of Moulins-Engilbert, population 1,700, is hopping." Evanthia K. Malliris, AB'76, works at Harvard Business School, writing and editing. She and her husband bought a summer home on Cushing Island, ME, and invite old friends to visit. Horace L. Nash, AB'75, and wife Betsy had a son in 1994, who joined two sisters. Nash practices corporate and security law with the San Francisco firm Howard, Rice, and welcomes visitors. Andrea L. Wayda, SB'76, PhD'81, is married to Patrick G. Jobe, SM'78, PhD'82, and is an associate specializing in patent litigation at Morgan & Finnegan in New York City.77
Mark M. Biggs, AB'77, AM'85, is assistant head of the communication and mass media department at Southwest Missouri State University. His most recent documentary, "As Seen by Both Sides: American & Vietnamese Artists Look at the War," has won eight national and international awards, including a Chris award, a CINE Golden Eagle, and a Silver Screen award. "The best news of all" is that he and wife Debora had a baby. John V. Prunskis, AB'77, codirects the Illinois Pain Treatment Institute with his wife, Terri. They have three locations: Chicago, East Dundee, and McHenry. Specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain, they met at the U of C Hospitals while John was finishing his fellowship and Terri was a brand-new attending physician. They were married on September 7, 1991, in Rockefeller Chapel by William Willoughby, AB'77. Burton F. Vander-laan, MD'77, has been elected president and CEO of Unified HealthCare Network, a Chicago-area managed-healthcare organization.78
Richard B. Dagen, AB'78, see 1979, Richard B. Dagen. David B. Jaffe, AB'78, JD'81, is general counsel of Guardian Europe, headquartered in Luxembourg. He and his wife, Erica E. Peresman, AB'80, moved there in January and will be there for about three years. They recently had a second daughter, Mara Alissa, who joins Adela, 4. Kenneth B. Frieden, AM'78, recently published Classic Yiddish Fiction: Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem, and Peretz (SUNY Press). H. Christo Lassiter, AB'78, a law professor at the University of Cincinnati, has joined the litigation department of Frost & Jacobs as of counsel. Susan Starr Sered, AB'78, received the American Academy of Religion's award for excellence and scholarship for her most recent book, Priestess, Mother, Sacred Sister. A professor of anthropology at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Sered received a National Jewish Book Award in 1992 for Women as Ritual Experts. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband and four children. Philip S. Schwarz, SB'78, works for Fidelity Investments in Boston, developing software for international use. Wife Susan is a health-care administrator at a neighborhood health center in Worcester. They have two children, Rachel, 7, "enjoying first grade and excited about science," and Jeremy, 5, "who's made great strides of his own, over a mild form of autism." Schwarz has become a "Net-surfer" and discovered good autism-related on-line resources.79
Deborah J. Baldwin, AM'72, PhD'79, was promoted to full professor of history at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in spring 1995. She also was appointed dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences for 1995-96. Richard B. Dagen, AB'78, a deputy assistant director at the Federal Trade Commission, has been married for two years to a songwriter and moved to the Maryland suburbs. David A. Mayers, AM'76, PhD'79, holds a joint appointment in the history and political-science departments at Boston University. His book The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy (Oxford University Press) won the 1995 book of distinction award from the American Academy of Diplomacy.