![]() The University of Chicago Magazine August 1996 | ![]() 1980sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately. Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. 80David L. Doyle, MBA'80, has joined the law firm Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz as a partner in its Chicago office. Craig A. Garber, AB'80, is the assistant treasurer of Applied Materials, Inc. He; his wife, Lisa; and their daughter, Lane, live in Los Altos, CA. Ryan R. McKenzie, AB'80, is president of the Pullman Bank of Commerce and Industry and a senior vice-president with the bank's holding company, Pullman Group, Inc. David L. Smith, AM'75, PhD'80, the Francis Christopher Oakley professor of English, has been made dean of the faculty at Williams College. See 1967, Michael S. McPherson. Scott R. Sunquist, AM'80, was promoted to deputy chief of staff for resource management with headquarters, U.S. Army Elements, Allied Command Europe, located at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium. "I have been at SHAPE for eight years now, and it has been fascinating to watch the transition of NATO/SHAPE from a Cold War institution, through a major downsizing, to a place where it is common to see former East European officers attached to the Partnership for Peace section," Sunquist writes. "This year has been particularly rewarding, since Bosnia is the first time my organization and NATO have deployed to enforce peace and not prepare for war."81Daniel H. Cole, AM'81, an associate professor at the Indiana University School of Law-Indianapolis, recently received the school's Black Cane outstanding professor award. David B. Gruenbaum, AB'81, see 1984, Peter E. Gruenbaum. William M. ("Bill") Murphy, AM'70, PhD'81, see 1985, Lamar Riley Murphy. Mindy H. Recht, AB'81, JD'86, graduated from Sotheby's American arts course in May. The post-baccalaureate certificate program examines American fine and decorative arts in addition to the business of the auction house. William Rodenkirch, AB'81, and wife Jeanne adopted two boys from Romania this past winter. The Rodenkirches live with their sons, Stephen and Joshua, both 2, and daughter Sarah, 5, in Geneva, IL.82![]() Jan M. Chabala, AB'82, PhD'92, a research scientist in physics at the Enrico Fermi Institute, married Mary A. Francis on August 26, 1995. Donald F. McLellan, AB'82, AM'87, JD'90, see 1987, Martina M. Keller. Cynthia Stearns Monroe, AM'77, MBA'82, has joined Andersen Consulting as marketing manager in the technology marketing and communications organization. She is based in Northbrook, IL, and her new work phone is 847/714-3392. Melinda J. Wagner, AM'82, a composer, writes that her pieces Sleep Awake and Falling Angels were performed in 1995, while Thinking about the Moon was performed in April and Psalms is being performed in the fall. Also, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra played Falling Angels at three January concerts. Wagner has recently been commissioned by the Cassatt String Quartet, the Westchester Philharmonic, and the New York New Music Ensemble. She has lectured throughout Chicago and New York. 83Gregory T. Diamond, AB'83, writes, "Living in Chicago with my coffee-loving (and -selling) wife (she works for Starbucks), but wishing we were in Seattle or San Francisco. Practicing law, producing Shakespeare (Shakespeare's Motley Crew), and exploring Christianity for the first time as an adult. News of note: Filed my first petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of an indigent criminal defendant. I remembered my lessons from the Little Red Schoolhouse at the U of C and tried to keep the petition short, clear, and to the point. Hope it works." James N. Pathos, AB'83, and wife Sally announce the January 24 birth of their first child, daughter Anastasia Jean. They moved into a new home in Eau Claire, WI. Pathos is property manager for his family's commercial real-estate holdings, and his wife directs an outpatient physical-therapy and sports-medicine clinic in Eau Claire. Pathos would like to hear from former Hale House/Shoreland classmates, and invites E-mail messages at pathprop@edp.net. David S. Schaffer, Jr., AB'83, is a partner with the law fim Chapman and Cutler in Chicago. Andrew D. Wagner, MBA'83, has been promoted to manger of finance for Conoco Inc.'s refining and marketing operations in Malaysia, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian countires. He will be based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Margaret G. Waterstreet, MBA'83, is lecturing on "Meditation Practice and Pain Control" at Chicago's Zen Buddhist Temple in October.84David R. Eichenthal, AB'84, and wife Bea announce the October 6 birth of daughter Emily. The family, including 5-year-old Seth, lives in Brooklyn. Eichenthal was appointed chief of policy to New York City Public Advocate Mark Green. Peter E. Gruenbaum, AB'84, and wife Sarah announce the September 5, 1995, birth of son Adam in Seattle. Gruenbaum is a scientist with Boeing, while Sarah is a biochemistry Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington. Peter's brother, David B. Gruenbaum, AB'81, runs an SAT preparation company in Irvine, CA, and is producing a recording for a musician in Mexico. Barbara J. Holden-Smith, JD'84, became a tenured member of the Cornell Law School faculty in March. She enjoys Ithaca, NY, and loves teaching. Her courses include civil procedure, administrative law, African Americans and the Supreme Court, and (next year) federal courts. Dorothy B. Lyon, AM'84, announces the August 10, 1995, birth of second daughter Louisa. Lyon is staying home full time. Corey J. Smith, AB'84, and wife Jan announce the January 8 birth of son Ian. The family lives in the Washington, DC, area. Smith is a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice, tax division, Western criminal-enforcement section, while his wife is an associate with the law firm Feldsman & Tucker. In February, Terry L. Wilson, X'84, was reelected a councillor of The Asiatic Society of Japan and also reelected to an unprecedented fourth term as chair of the membership committee of the society's governing council.85Rainer Hollerbach, AB'85, writes, "I have survived my first year of teaching mathematics at the University of Glasgow. I am enjoying Scotland. Glasgow in particular reminds me of Chicago, including, unfortunately, the drizzly weather." Mary M. Kino, SB'85, resigned in March as psychometrics project director with Harcourt Brace Educational Measurement in San Antonio to take a position as supervisor of data analysis with Advanced Systems in Dover, NH. She'd love to hear from old acquaintances in the Portland, ME/Boston area. Lamar Riley Murphy, AM'77, PhD'85, is interim assistant dean of the Graduate College of the University of Illinois. Her husband, William M. ("Bill") Murphy, AM'70, PhD'81, is associate chancellor for public affairs at the University of Illinois. They moved to Urbana in March 1995 and enjoy the city's farmer's market. David L. Resnick, MBA'85, JD'85, is a principal with the investment-banking firm Peter J. Solomon Company, where he is responsible for the firm's restructuring practice. Joseph C. Scroppo, AB'85, recently completed his clinical internship at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan and received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Adelphi University. He now lives in Forest Hills, NY. Thomas E. Spratt, PhD'85, works at American Health Foundation in Valhalla, NY.86Eric D. Albright, AB'86, AM'90, and his wife, Karin Zitzewitz Albright, AM'87, AM'90, announce the April 21 birth of their first child, Hannah Charis Maria. David B. Burke, AB'86, was studying journalism in Cornwall, England, until July. After two years in Puerto Rico, Paul J. Demopoulos, AB'86, returned to his native Winter Park, FL, to attend the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College. Janet E. Essency, AM'86, is serial librarian at Minot State University in North Dakota after 16 years in the U of C libraries, the last nine as technical-processing supervisor at Crerar. Sarah E. Merz, AB'86, was promoted to partner at Kannon Consulting, a management-consulting firm specializing in marketing strategy for media, telecommunications, and health-care companies. Robert Mattaliano, AB'86, and wife Michelle announce the January 25 birth of son Julian Robert in New York City. Rebecca C. Miller, AB'86, MST'87, is researching her dissertation on the early upper Paleolithic in Belgium. George Reimonn, AB'86, lives in Medford, OR, and works at Providence Medford Medical Center.87![]() Christopher A. Chronis, MBA'87, is marketing coordinator at Output Technologies, a business-communications company, and lives in Boston. David J. Feit, AB'87, and his wife had a baby in August. Since 1994, Christopher G. Fichtner, MD'87, has been chief of psychiatry service at the VA Medical Center in North Chicago and an associate professor of psychiatry at Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School. He and wife Linda--an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago--live in Northbrook with sons Aaron, 8, and Justin, 6. Martina M. Keller, AB'87, a Chicago immigration attorney, recently won her first case argued before the U.S. Court of Appeals. It involved political asylum in the U.S. Her husband, Donald F. McLellan, AB'82, AM'87, JD'90, is a corporate attorney at Winston & Strawn. Last fall, the couple bought and refurbished their first house, a turn-of-the-century home on the North Side. They traveled to India and Nepal in spring and hope to visit other faraway destinations in the future. Clare K. Leinweber, AB'87, AM'93, and John A. Wall, AB'88, AM'91, announce the September birth of daughter Isabel. Tai-Loi Ma, AM'72, PhD'87, has been curator of the U of C's East Asian library since 1987. He chaired an Association of Research Libraries foreign-acquisitions project task force for Chinese materials from 1992 to 1994. In 1995, he was a consultant for the modern and contemporary Chinese collection at the Library of Congress. Timothy M. Ryan, AM'87, was invited by the South African government to collaborate with the Human Sciences Research Council on developing a way to monitor drug-use trends in South Africa. Karl B. Scheidt, MD'87, was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in February. John M. Troyer, AB'87, was a plaintiff in the ACLU lawsuit challenging the Communications Decency Act. His Web site The Safer Sex Pages (http://www.safersex.org) distributes information about condoms and safer sex. Another of Troyer's sites, Dining Out on the Web (http://www.ird.net/diningout.html), was a 1995 GNN Best of the Net winner. He is finishing his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco. 88David W. Anderson, AB'88, graduated from business school at Northwestern University and works for the Nature Conservancy in Boulder, CO. Jeffrey M. Carey, AB'88, is treasurer and business director of the August Ensemble Theatre, a nonprofit theater group that emphasizes classic drama and literature. Its first production was Love's Labour's Lost in May. Carey is working on his M.B.A. at the University of Illinois at Chicago and lives in Elmwood Park, IL, with wife Jacqueline, who is the August Ensemble Theatre's secretary and publicist. Their daughter, Jessica Marie, was born in fall 1994. "She was born 10 weeks early, weighing only 1 pound, 6 ounces," Carey writes. "She spent four months in the neonatal intensive-care unit of Loyola, but now she's a healthy (incredibly active!) little girl." In May 1995, Glenn A. Carnagey, AB'88; Dietrich J. Kappe, AB'89; Wesley E. Johnson, AB'90; and Lawrence R. Gryziak, AB'91, established Red Planet, a Chicago-based Internet and Web systems consulting firm. All four are partners in the firm. Anthony E. Pohle, AB'88, joined the company as a senior associate in November. Kappe has been quoted several times in the Wall Street Journal as an Internet security expert. The firm also created WorldLink, a Web-based risk-management database for insurers. Carnagey writes, "After weeks of preparing marketing material, all five were pleased they did not pursue marketing degrees at another institution."Nicholas G. Hahn, Jr., MBA'88, is a permanent part-time instructor in the financial markets and trading program of the Stuart School of Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He teaches accounting for derivative products and financial instruments. M. Katherine Hamilton-Smith, AM'88, gave birth to a son, Jackson, on July 9, 1995. Stefan G. Kertesz, AB'88, completed his final year of residency training in primary-care internal medicine at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital. He hopes to work a second stint in Africa before becoming a primary-care clinician/teacher in the U.S. Christina M. McKenna, AB'88, received her master's in journalism from Columbia University in 1990. She is now a reporter for KIRO-TV in Seattle. Phillip H. Millman, AB'88, was promoted to principal of Mortgage Research Group, a financial-analytics firm, after four years at Bear Stearns and Co. Nicos Tsatsoulis, AB'88, MBA'89, joined the Greek army in November 1995. After basic training he was transferred to Xanthi in northern Greece. John A. Wall, AB'88, AM'91, see 1987, Clare K. Leinweber. 89Douglas C. Anderson, AB'89, JD'92; his wife, Rebecca; and their nearly 3-year-old daughter, Sarah, live in Washington, DC, where he recently became counsel to the House subcommittee on international operations and human rights. Gerard J. Anderson, MBA'89, is vice-president of corporate development for Brown-Forman Corporation, a diversified producer and marketer of consumer goods. He is based in Louisville, KY. Dean P. Bell, AB'89, completed his Ph.D. in early modern European history at Berkeley in 1995. Bell lives with his wife and two children in Chicago, where he is assistant professor of history and coordinator of the distance-learning program at the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies. Bertrand C. Fry, AB'89, see 1992, Bryn K. Larsen. M. Daniel Gibbard, AB'89, and Amy Gibbard were married in October 1994. They bought a home near Midway Airport. Dan is a copy editor on the national/foreign desk of the Chicago Tribune, and Amy is an editor with Chicago Tribune On-Line. Dan would "love to see which other screwups turned out OK": His E-mail address is mdgibbard@aol.com. Jeannie N. Hua, AB'89, is general counsel of AEI, Inc., in Las Vegas.Dietrich J. Kappe, AB'89, see 1988, Glenn A. Carnagey. Sanjaya K. Khare, AB'89, graduated from Stanford with a J.D. and an M.B.A. in June 1995. In September, he married Catherine Berooy, and in October he began work with Venture Law Group in Menlo Park, CA, as a corporate lawyer representing venture capitalists' startup companies and investment banks. Meeyern Kwak, AB'89, received her M.A. in secondary mathematics education from the Teachers College at Columbia University in October 1994. She lives in New York City and teaches middle-school math and computer applications at the Professional Children's School in Manhattan. Her E-mail address is meeyun@interport.net. Joseph P. O'Connell, AB'89, lives in St. Petersburg, FL, where he designs and builds interactive exhibits for science, art, and children's museums. Michael B. O'Connor, AB'89, see 1990, Kathleen S. Drayson. Russell A. Osborn, AB'89, an associate actuary with Nationwide Insurance, has been named a fellow of the Society of Actuaries. Douglas W. Patton, AB'89, and Robyn T. Kramer, AB'90, were married on May 18 in New Orleans. They live in Spartanburg, SC. Marco A. R. Sims, AB'89, AM'91, MBA'92, wife Karen, and daughter Moira left Buenos Aires for Mexico City via Washington, DC, and Cape Cod. Karen is now the speakers and seminars officer at the U.S. Information Agency, and Marco is a vice-consul and environment, science, and technology officer. Within Class News:Go to: