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After 23 years on the medical faculty of the University of Papua New Guinea, Kerry J. Pataki-Schweizer, SB'60, switched to the World Health Organization's Institute for Medical Research in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he consults on social and health behavior--work he describes as "basically/psych./anthro./ecol./health/systems; adolescent health; aging and health; counseling. Basically U of C, really." The Magazine's Oct.-Dec./96 issue incorrectly reported the death of William W. Shropshire, MBA'60. Shropshire, who is president of American Chemet Corporation in Deerfield, IL, is alive and well. His father, however, died last August. Leonard R. Sugerman, MBA'60, a retired assistant to the director of the physical-science laboratory at New Mexico State University, received the NMSU Foundation's highest honor, the Branding Iron Award, for "outstanding contributions of leadership, service, and support" to the university. Arthur Winoker, JD'60, of Nanuet, NY, retired last May when Fleet Bank took over Hut West ban. 61
Anthony S. Earl, JD'61, an environmental attorney in the Madison, WI, office of Quarles & Brady, was included in the seventh edition of The Best Lawyers in America. The tennis team that Max R. Liberles, AB'61, captains in Cape Coral, FL, was invited this spring to play in the state's mixed doubles championships, but had to decline since many on the team were in the "walking-wounded" category. Liberles himself joined the disabled list with a ruptured disk in his neck but has begun traction treatment and hopes to be able to compete again. Deanna Spitzer Nass, BFA'61, AM'64, was selected for inclusion in the 1997-98 Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care. In her 34 years as an educator, she spent 27 years as professor, counselor, and director of counseling services at the College of Staten Island (CUNY). Recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor for her work on vocational guidance of special populations, Nass has published several books and articles. Raymond E. Watson, MBA'61, reports that he is doing well after triple-bypass heart surgery. 62
Marianna Tax Choldin, AB'62, AM'67, PhD'79, was elected chair of the regional library program of the Open Society Institute in Budapest. The institute is a center for the Soros Foundation network, which supports library activities in Eastern Europe, Haiti, South Africa, and parts of the former Soviet Union. Donald A. Fox, AB'62, DB'66, was rector of the Sunshine Episcopal Church in San Francisco's Chinatown for nearly ten years before becoming a minister at the San Francisco Night Ministry: an in-person, nighttime, crisis-counseling and referral service. Betty Glad, PhD'62, the Olin D. Johnston professor of political science at the University of South Carolina, has received the International Society of Political Psychology's Harold Lasswell award. A specialist in the American presidency and national leadership, Glad is known for her psychobiographies, including one of Jimmy Carter. Andrew Greeley, AM'61, PhD'62, see 1996, Nicholas J. Patterson. Harold L. Henderson, AB'62, JD'64, joined Eastman Chemical Company's Kingsport, TN, corporate headquarters on January 1 as senior vice-president, general counsel, and secretary. CA Magazine, a monthly for Canadian accountants, featured a December story called "Debt Busters," which heavily quoted Toronto-based personal-bankruptcy trustee Cyril E. Sapiro, MBA'62. Ronald E. Zupko, AM'62, who has a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has been a professor of medieval history for 31 years at Marquette University in Milwaukee.
John W. Hill, AB'63, a professor of music and chair of musicology and the former editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Musicological Society, is to have his book on Roman monody released this month by Oxford University Press. Hill has "two sons in medical school and three children in diapers." Richard N. Lebow, AB'63, has completed his first year as director of the Mershon Center and a professor of political science, history, and psychology at Ohio State University. Lebow had been the Eric Vogelin distinguished visiting professor at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut of the University of Munich. 64
Laura Jehn Menides, AM'64, an associate professor of English at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, won second and third places for her entries in the non-rhyming poem category of a 1996 Writer's Digest competition. Martin P. Sherman, JD'64, special counsel with Tomlinson Zisko Morosoli and Maser, LLP, in Palo Alto, CA--"the heart of the Silicon Valley"--specializes in intellectual property, business, and antitrust law and represents many high-tech companies hoping to "go public" in the next few years. 65
Last May, Gandikota V. Rao, SM'61, PhD'65, was presented with a presidential distinguished service award for 25 years of teaching at St. Louis University. This year, he became a fellow of the American Meteorological Society. 66
Philip G. Furia, AM'66, writes, "I've moved lock, stock, and snow shovel, from the University of Minnesota to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (on the beach and under the palm trees!)." Furia chairs UNC at Wilmington's English department. 67
D. Duff Chambers, AM'67, a founder and past president of the Connecticut chapter of the Association of Chemical Dependency Treatment Programs, is managing director of the Saybrook Counseling Center in Old Saybrook, CT. Michael L. Klowden, AB'67, a trustee of the University, was elected president and COO of the Jefferies Group (a holding company) and its principal operating subsidiary, Jefferies & Company (a global investment bank). Sister Mary Joyce Schladweiler, AM'67, was inducted into the International Poetry Hall of Fame in Owings Mills, MD.68
Annette Fern, AM'68, has "finally left Chicago," and is a research and reference librarian for the Harvard Theatre Collection. E-mail her at afern@fas.harvard.edu. In March, Nancy Coulson Hobor, AB'68, AM'70, PhD'73, vice-president of communications and investor relations at Morton International, attended Investor Relations magazine's annual U.S. awards event in NYC, where she accepted the National Investor Relations Institute's Grand Prix for best overall investor relations on behalf of her company. Tsuyoshi Kinoshita, MCL'68, teaches law at Hokkaido University in Tokyo, where his courses have included Anglo-American Law and Legal Culture: East-West. James K. Lilly, AB'68, AM'69, MBA'80, reports that his wife, Kathy, completed her qualifying exam in November for a Ph.D. in speech from Northwestern University. Margaret Kirkwood Philipsborn, AM'68, writes: "I am alive, well, and still living in London, working as a freelance journalist and following foreign affairs as seen from the U.K. point of view." David A. Satter, AB'68, was appointed a visiting scholar at the Johns Hopkins University's Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. 69
Joseph D. Brisben, AB'69, was elected trustee and treasurer of The Nest, a Johnson County (IA) program that supports young mothers at risk and promotes healthy births. Last year, 53 of the program's 56 mothers gave birth to babies that were at or above normal birth weights. Thomas J. Emerson, X'69, X'72, began a new job last summer as a computer scientist at the Kestrel Institute in Palo Alto, CA, where he applies formal mathematical methods to software development--and "in particular," he applies "a very abstract branch known as category theory, which I learned from Professor [Saunders] Mac Lane when I was an undergraduate." J. Eric Engstrom, JD'69, was reelected chair of the Kansas State Historical Society's executive committee. He also chairs the board of review for Kansas historic sites and presides over the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum Association. Penny S. Gold, AB'69, a professor and chair in the history department at Knox College, was awarded an NEH fellowship for 1997-98. Gold will spend the year as a senior fellow in the Institute for the Advanced Study of Religion at the U of C's Divinity School, where she will work on a book titled Making the Bible Modern: Children's Bibles and Jewish Educational Strategies in Twentieth-Century America. Kenneth D. Simonson, AB'69, a vice-president and chief economist for the American Trucking Associations, is also secretary of the Jewish Council for the Aging and co-chair of annual giving at the Lowell School in Washington, DC, where his daughter, Alix, is a second-grader.
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